



Database as a Service - Automated は、"Automated"という名称のとおり、いくつかのオペレーションを自動化できる仕組みが用意されています。

  • 自動バックアップ
  • パッチ適用
  • アップグレード
  • ポイント・イン・タイム・リカバリ(PITR)


bash-4.1# /var/opt/oracle/bkup_api/bkup_api --help
Usage: bkup_api [options]

Backup  [bkup_start, bkup_status, bkup_stop, bkup_chkcfg, bkup_chgcfg]
Recover [recover_start, recover_status, recover_stop, recover_list]
Delete  [bkup_delete]                    Tag     [get_tag]
Wallet  [update_wallet]                    Clean   [clean_archlogs]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --rargs="-option args string"
                        Paremeters for the Recovery tool, they must be in
                        format "-pitr TAG20140117T061554 -data"
  -k, --keep            takes a long-term retetion backup
  --tag=--tag=DBAAS or JAAS
                        generates a retore point with the specified tag
  -b --bkup=JAAS20140805T2121, --bkup=--bkup=JAAS20140805T2121
                        Backup tag to be deleted only long term retetion
                        backups can be deleted [JAAS]
  -r 15, --retention_days=15
                        The recovery windows that it will be used
  -c 7, --bkup_cycle=7  Backup policy days
  -p *******, --password=*******
                        User password for oss connection

バックアップの実行は簡単で、rootユーザーでbkup_api bkup_startを実行するだけです。

-bash-4.1# /var/opt/oracle/bkup_api/bkup_api bkup_start

########### DBAAS BACKUP API ######################
* Action:  bkup_start
* log:  /var/opt/oracle/bkup_api/bkup_api.log
-bash-4.1# ** process started with PID: 1928
** see log file for monitor progress


バックアップの状態を確認するにはbkup_api bkup_statusを実行します。

-bash-4.1# /var/opt/oracle/bkup_api/bkup_api bkup_status

########### DBAAS BACKUP API ######################
* Action:  bkup_status
* log:  /var/opt/oracle/bkup_api/bkup_api.log
* Current backup settings:
  catalog: no
  type: diskoss
* DBAAS utility logfile: /home/oracle/bkup/log/obkup.log
* Last registered Bkup: 12-07 09:31 API::1928:: Starting dbaas backup process
* Bkup state: running

  API:: Oracle database state is up and running
  API:: Performing backup to local storage (primary backup)
  API:: Executing rman instructions

-bash-4.1# /var/opt/oracle/bkup_api/bkup_api bkup_status

########### DBAAS BACKUP API ######################
* Action:  bkup_status
* log:  /var/opt/oracle/bkup_api/bkup_api.log
* Current backup settings:
  catalog: no
  type: diskoss
* DBAAS utility logfile: /home/oracle/bkup/log/obkup.log
* Last registered Bkup: 12-07 09:31 API::1928:: Starting dbaas backup process
* Bkup state: running

  API:: Oracle database state is up and running
  API:: Performing backup to local storage (primary backup)
  API:: Executing rman instructions
  API:: ...... OK
  API:: Backup to local storage is completed
  API:: Clean MOTD.
  API:: Performing backup to cloud storage (secondary backup)
  API:: Executing rman instructions

-bash-4.1# /var/opt/oracle/bkup_api/bkup_api bkup_status

########### DBAAS BACKUP API ######################
* Action:  bkup_status
* log:  /var/opt/oracle/bkup_api/bkup_api.log
* Current backup settings:
  catalog: no
  type: diskoss
* DBAAS utility logfile: /home/oracle/bkup/log/obkup.log
* Last registered Bkup: 12-07 09:31 API::1928:: Starting dbaas backup process
* Bkup state: finished

* API History: API steps
  12-07 09:31 API:: NEW PROCESS 1928
  12-07 09:31 API:: Starting dbaas backup process
  12-07 09:31 API:: Requesting the number of backups in your system ....
  12-07 09:31 API:: Your system has 1 backups
  12-07 09:31 API:: Running the following command:  /home/oracle/bkup/obkup
  12-07 09:55 API:: The dbaas backup process is completed
  12-07 09:55 API:: Searching for the new dbaas backup tag:
  12-07 09:55 API:: Multiple new dbaas backups were created
  12-07 09:55 API:: * TAG20151207T094129
  12-07 09:55 API:: * TAG20151207T094906
  12-07 09:55 API:: * TAG20151207T094924
  12-07 09:55 API:: Your new dbaas backup tag is TAG20151207T095506
  12-07 09:55 API:: BKUP COMPLETE YOUR BKUP TAG TAG20151207T095506
* Backup steps
  API:: Oracle database state is up and running
  API:: Performing backup to local storage (primary backup)
  API:: Executing rman instructions
  API:: ...... OK
  API:: Backup to local storage is completed
  API:: Clean MOTD.
  API:: Performing backup to cloud storage (secondary backup)
  API:: Executing rman instructions
  API:: ......OK
  API:: Backup to cloud storage is completed
  API:: Clean MOTD.
  API:: Validating the backup repository:
  API::      All backup pieces are ok
  API:: Starting backup of config files
  API:: at time: 2015-12-07:09:55:40
  API:: Creating directories to store config files
  API:: Determining the oracle database id
  API::  DBID: 1425569508
  API:: Compressing config files into tar files
  API:: .... OK
  API:: Uploading config files to cloud storage
  API:: Completed at time: 2015-12-07:09:55:46
  API:: Config files backup ended successfully
  API:: All requested tasks are completed


-bash-4.1# cat /etc/crontab

# For details see man 4 crontabs

# Example of job definition:
# .---------------- minute (0 - 59)
# |  .------------- hour (0 - 23)
# |  |  .---------- day of month (1 - 31)
# |  |  |  .------- month (1 - 12) OR jan,feb,mar,apr ...
# |  |  |  |  .---- day of week (0 - 6) (Sunday=0 or 7) OR sun,mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat
# |  |  |  |  |
# *  *  *  *  * user-name command to be executed

01 01 * * * root /var/opt/oracle/bkup_api/bkup_api bkup_start←★

15 03 * * 6 oracle /var/opt/oracle/cleandb/cleandblogs.pl

ただし、確認した限り、Oracle Database Cloud ServiceのCompute Node(Oracle Linux)のタイムゾーン設定はUTCのようでした。このため、日本時間で運用していると、(おそらく)想定外の時間にバックアップが実行されることに注意が必要です。Compute Node(Oracle Linux)のタイムゾーン設定をJSTにすればOKだと思いますが、気になる方はサポートに確認してみてください。



渡部 亮太

・Oracle ACE
・AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate
・ORACLE MASTER Platinum Oracle Database 11g, 12c 他多数

